Michigan Events & Attractions


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Manitou Beach Fireworks

Early Jul - Sandbar on Devils Lake

Our fantastic FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR happens every July in Manitou Beach. This year, the Manitou Beach Fireworks is at dusk on Monday July 3rd, 2023. The location is the Sand Bar on Devils Lake, Devils Lake Highway.

The fireworks are donor supported, so if you can help, please do so.

Manitou Beach at Devils Lake is a quiet place in the Irish Hills to shop, eat and relax.

our mission
To create a year round resort and artist community which includes galleriesrestaurantsshoppinglodgingservices recreation.

New England-style building aesthetics that create unique & identifiable community.

Provide a closer proximity alternative to up north or west side Michigan artist/resort communities of Harbor Springs, Petoskey, Saugatuck, etc.

Manitou Beach

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Devils Lake Highway, Manitou Beach, Michigan


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